Cultivate Communications

Episode 5: Juggalos

By Cultivate | November 9, 2021

In the last episode…Sam is meeting with Kay, VP Marketing, Brandy, Creative Director and Sharon, CX Director to conduct a CEO listening session. 

In this episode…Sam sees that they have a few minutes remaining in the scheduled time. So, she brings up “ICP.” We all know using business jargon, especially marketing acronyms, can backfire. See what happens when Sam falls in this trap.

Let's Discuss ICP  

My meeting with Kay, Brandy and Sharon is winding down, so I close the loop on our discussion.“I hope I’ve sufficiently answered your initial questions about me and my vision for Sirius Bond. Please reach out to me with any further questions.

Since we have a little time left today, maybe we can begin talking through the ICP.” 

That gets Brandy’s attention. “ICP might be a little too intense for us. I’m not sure Juggalos have much use for our adhesives.” 

Sharon laughs aloud. Kay is amused and rolls her eyes. I chuckle at Brandy’s reference to the bizarre rap duo, Insane Clown Posse. And even more bizarre fans. 

“Okay, okay, you got me. I should know better. Marketing acronyms can be a bit insane." 

Of course, I am talking about our ‘Ideal Customer Profile’ not that other ICP. That rap group has some wild fans…almost a cult following, from what I’ve seen in the press.

Juggalet Image“Indeed” Brandy says. “My little sister is a Juggalet.” 

Sharon adds, “My niece too! But she is a subdued Juggalet, compared to some.” 

"What is the difference between a Juggalo and Juggalet?" I ask.

“Male vs. female,” Brandy explains.

I am enjoying the brief tangent in the conversation and the light-hearted interjections.

Kay helps steer us back on course: “Okay, so back to Samantha’s question, who would you say is the ideal customer for Sirius Bond in the western territory?”

“That’s easy,” responds Brandy. “The ideal customer is anyone who buys our products!”

“I wish,” chimes in Sharon. “I have the data and analysis that will tell this story to us.”

“That is extremely timely Sharon! We’ll be needing those insights soon,” I say.

“Absolutely. Let me know when the timing is right.”

“Will do.”

We conclude the meeting and leave the room as Brandy quietly raps ICP’s “Boooogie wooooogie woooogie woogie wu” and without missing a beat we playfully dance and groove our way into the corridor and go our separate ways. I think to myself, love these fun ladies. 

It is Time to Announce the Team

Before I head out of the office for the day, I take a few minutes to review my final list of Revenue Operations team members. What a phenomenally talented team! They are:

Kay P. Eigh, Marketing VP
Kay joined the company about 5 years ago to update the company’s presence in the market, especially through digital channels, events, and lead generation strategies. She is a demand generation guru and a master of marketing analytics. She is ready to embrace the Rev Ops methodology and has shared her conviction to helping it succeed. Kay also has a big personality and will be a strong voice in pushing this initiative forward. 

Ken Kaizen, Product Director
Ken was recruited from a competitor three years ago to develop the Tikky Tak product line. He has deep expertise in adhesives, and he knows the market forces and trends that this company is working within. He is a data and numbers guy who understands that our “middle-of-the-pack” company that has the potential to lead the industry with the right strategies. He is chomping at the bit to expand our market share via the Rev Ops framework.

Sharon Kare, Customer Experience Director
Sharon has been with the company for 2 years and is closely aligned with Kay. More than anyone else, Sharon sees the disconnects across the company. She hears customers’ frustrations, as well as her service team’s complaints. She regularly reviews customer data from pre-sale to transaction to post sale. She will be a critical asset on Rev Ops team.

Cash Maker, VP Sales
Cash has been with the company for a long time, 25 years. He has deep knowledge of the adhesives industry and the ins and outs of the company. He takes a servant-leader approach to guiding his sales team and would do anything to help them succeed. Cash is type-A and larger than life. He will speak up when he disagrees. Which we need. 

Justin Thyme, Chief Operations Officer
Justin has moved up through the ranks of the company over the last 20+ years to his current position. As an engineer, he is highly analytical and meticulous. As well as imaginative and creative. He listens before he speaks and is a man of few words – so when he speaks, people listen. He has strategic oversight of business operations. He will be a significant asset to the team.

Brandy Quity, Creative/Brand Director
Brandy brings an incredibly positive energy to the workplace. She is new to the company. Here just 6 months. Witnessing a super-charged person lift the spirits of everyone around her is exciting. And I understand that she is a standup comic in her free time. I must find out where she performs and catch her show some time. Brandy is an exceptionally talented and knowledgeable branding and design-theory expert with a lengthy list of awards and credentials in her field. She has been advocating for a new brand identity for the company, as she feels the current identity is outdated and does not accurately reflect its innovative focus. 

I have my team announcement letter cued up to go out first thing in the morning. Here we go!

Connect with Us

Sam Caan-Dewitt, CEO

"We all know that defining an Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) is a critical step in a Go-To-Market plan. My advice: Thoroughly research your ICP then workshop the definition with all key stakeholders to nail it.

Brandy Quity, Creative/Brand Director 

"This may sound obvious, collaborate with your sales leadership when developing your Ideal Customer Profile. Ask for the top 3 characteristics of your best and worst customers.

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